Friday, 8 June 2018

Tech News and Rumors: When the Apple iPhone X SE will be released? Dr Phone Repair Limited, Auckland, 093651212, @drphonerepair, @aucklandrepair

Tuesday, 6-6-2018:  Kia ora and greetings fellow iPhone users!  So much so for the long weekend (Queen's Birthday),  almost entire weekend was slight chilly and wet!

Mate and I were waiting for the launch of the second generation Apple iPhone X; now we still using the Apple iPhone 7 Plus...

See what Forbes has to say about the possible release of Apple iPhone X, SE version (System Enhanced).  The article is located here.


iphone, x, repair, unlock, dr, doctor, phone, repair, Queen, High, Street, Auckland, screen, Samsung, phone, netowkr, unlock, drphonenz
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